We are pleased to announce the creation of a new Modern Warrior LIVE film featuring our full performance, shot specifically for big screens and streaming online. This option can also gives organizations that are operating remotely or in smaller settings the opportunity to experience the full impact of our show.

Modern Warrior offers an innovative and compelling approach of communicating that Post Traumatic Stress can result in Post Traumatic Growth.
— Mark Otto, Executive Director, United War Veterans Council

Venue Options to Present Our Film

  • Conferences

  • Movie Theaters

  • Online Streaming

  • Classrooms, Lecture Halls & conference rooms

Workshops & Speaking Engagement

We’ve created various break-out sessions based on the below topics that can happen directly after the show or spread out over the course of days/weeks.

The stories in Modern Warrior LIVE address a series of topics. Some of these topics are:

  • Combat

  • Power in storytelling

  • Isolation

  • Post-Traumatic Stress

  • Post-Traumatic Growth

These talks can also include your community leaders, veterans, physicians, etc. and the topics of discussion can be tailored to your organizational goals.

What People Are Saying

I was absolutely moved to tears by the powerful story, emotional journey, and breathtaking music.
— Stefani Schaefer, Fox 8 News Cleveland (Emmy Award-winning Anchor)
One of the most moving, touching experiences regarding war that I’ve felt since returning from Vietnam 46 years ago!
— Attendee
Modern Warrior reminds veterans they are not victims and can use their experiences to grow and make significant
contributions to society.”
— Anthony Principi, Secretary of Veterans Affairs (2001-2005)
Having lost my son to suicide, this performance brought me peace.
— Atendee

Film Preview Request

If you’re interested in using the film for your organization, kindly complete the below form to arrange a secure viewing.